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 Characteristics of enamelled copper wire

1. Appearance
    The surface must smooth, shiny metallic colors and no scratch. The surface coating film must not sticky at room temperature.

2. Flexibility
    Enameled wire must be flexible. when tested by pulling or winding and there must be no cracks of the coated film

3. Adhesion (Adherance)
   The wire coated with the adhesive and no cracks in the coating film.

4. Dielectric break down voltage  
   Dielectric break down voltage must not less than the standard of electric voltage enameled  wire. Specification of enameled wire can be referred to the industry standard (ISO) or refer to the standard of Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS C 3202 &. JIS C 3003).

5. Heat-shock proof
    The enameled wire must resist to the heat change immediately by without any fracture of the coating film.

6. Conductor resistance
    Enameled copper wire must have conductor resistance not exceed the specified maximum resistance. The conductor
    resistance does not exceed the maximum set by the resistance of each wire coated varnish. Please refer to the industry
   standard (ISO) or refer to the standard of Japanese industrial standard (JIS C 3202 & JIS C 3003).

7. Deterioration proof
    Wire coating must be resistant to deterioration tested by pulling and stretching (Elongation) without any fracture of the
   coating film

8. Softening proof
    Enameled copper wire with a diameter from 0.20 mm. of the bare wire must have flexibility without a short circuit.
   Please refer to the industrial standard (ISO) or refer to the standard of Japanese industrial standard
   (JIS C 3202 & JIS C 3003).

9.  Solvent proof
     Enameled wire must be resistant to solvents. without abrasion of the coated film can refer to the industrial product standard (TIS) or refer to the standard of the Japanese industrial standard (JIS C 3202 & JIS C 3003).

10. Reagent proof
      Enameled copper wire must be resistant to reagents by without abrasion of the coating film. Please refer to the industry
     standard (ISO) or refer to the standard of Japanese industrail standard (JIS C 3202 & JIS C 3003).

11. Insulating-oil proof
      Enamelled copper wire must resistant to oil insulation by without abrasion of the coating film. Please refer to the industry
     standard (ISO) or refer to the standard of Japanese industrial standard (JIS C 3202 & JIS C 3003).

12. Solder coating (Solderability)
      Enameled wire must be coated solder with the coating film. This section is for the only certain kinds of varnish coated wire.

13. Pin holes
      Porous enameled wire must not exceed the number of specified pin holes. Please refer to the industrial standard (ISO) or
     refer to the standard Japanese industrial standard (JIS C 3202 & JIS C 3003).

Annotation:  Characteristic, requirement and standard of enameled copper wire as describe above, please refer to the industrial standard (ISO) or refer to the standard of Japanese industrial standard (JIS C 3202 & JIS C 3003) or IEC Standard
(IEC 182-1, IEC 182-2 & IEC 317-4B).

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